5% DISCOUNT: if you choose to make your visit on a day between Monday and Thursday. The rates are based on a standard 3 hours guided tour and entrance tickets are not included. …
ACTUALITY Archivi - Visit Milano
Culture resists and persists in the time of Covid-19; let’s visit Milan together on-line. by wp_2224725 | May 16, 2020 | ACTUALITY This unhappy 2020 will be remembered as the …
La magie du 7 décembre à Milan - Visit Milano
Nov 14, 2019 · L’événement le plus prestigieux qui se déroule le 7 décembre à Milan est l’ouverture de la nouvelle saison de l’opéra. Alla Scala (il y a des années la saison de l’opéra …
Opened in Milan the first philosophy museum of the world - Visit …
Nov 27, 2019 · The state university of Milan’s website says that there are museums of all kinds in the world but no one dedicated to philosophy. To fill this gap, inside the university’s historical …
il 2 Giugno, giorno importante per l'Italia - Visit Milano
Il 2 giugno è un giorno importante per gli abitanti del mio paese perché è la Festa della Repubblica italiana. La Festa della Repubblica Italiana ricorda il 2 Giugno 1946, giorno in cui …