19.12 Safety Plan & Management | CWS - pamms.dhs.ga.gov
A Safety Plan is a written arrangement between a parent(s)/legal guardian(s) and DFCS that establishes protection strategies or actions required to stop or prevent harm to the child. The …
19.11 Safety Assessment | CWS - pamms.dhs.ga.gov
How safety threats are occurring within a family is evaluated to determine the need and kind of safety planning (i.e., in-home safety plan, out-of-home safety plan, or a combination of both) …
The Use of Safety and Risk Assessment in Child Protection Cases - Georgia
A safety plan is a written arrangement between a family and DFCS that establishes strategies to control safety threats that place a child in danger of ongoing or immediate serious harm. The …
DFCS FAQ | Georgia Department of Human Services Division of …
What is a Safety Plan? A safety plan is a response to each factor, identified on a safety assessment, which affects a child's immediate safety. It identifies the controls that are being …
DFCS Forms Online - Division of Family & Children Services
All DFCS forms are housed on the Online Directives Information System (ODIS), which can be accessed here: odis.dhs.ga.gov/general.
GA :: Child Welfare Policy Manual :: Chapter 19 Case Management ...
Utilize Safety Plans to establish actions required to stop or prevent harm to the child that is determined to be unsafe; and make reasonable efforts to maintain the family unit and prevent …
Safety Response System (SRS) Georgia’s current practice is to triage all Child Protective services referrals into one of three categories: 1) Screen-Out an absence of maltreatment/risk that …
GA :: Child Welfare Policy Manual :: Chapter 19 Case Management ...
Gather quality and sufficient safety related information about family conditions (family functioning). Identify the presence of conditions or actions that represent the likelihood of imminent serious …
Child Welfare Policy Manual :: Policy and Manual Management …
Provide for the temporary care of children whose families cannot ensure their safety and/or meet their basic care needs. Foster care services focus on strengthening and rebuilding families to …
Feb 14, 2016 · Caregivers shall ensure that safe and appropriate supervision is provided for each child in DFCS custody that has been placed under their care and oversight.