Replication of RNA Viruses - Lesson - Study.com
Some RNA viruses must have an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, RdRp, before it enters the cell. This is an enzyme that converts one strand of RNA to a strand of RNA that has a complementary sense.
Compare and contrast the replication strategies of DNA viruses, …
What is the major difference in genome structure between positive-stranded RNA viruses and negative-stranded RNA viruses? Describe the differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes in DNA replication: 1) replication, 2) elongation and 3) termination.
Other RNA Virus Families of Importance - Lesson | Study.com
Most RNA viruses that you hear of are important to human health because of the terrible diseases they cause, the number of people they affect or both. From HIV and rabies to the flu and common ...
DNA Virus | Overview, Replication & Examples - Lesson - Study.com
Nov 21, 2023 · DNA viruses follow a different replication process than RNA viruses due to the nature of their genomes and their hosts' genomes. RNA viruses replicate in the cytoplasm of a host cell, and they use ...
What are examples of DNA and RNA viruses?
What makes a DNA virus different from an RNA virus? Focus on at least three characteristics which are unique to DNA viruses (not on RNA viruses). A paragraph is required for each characteristic. RNA viruses have relatively small genomes.
What is the difference between RNA viruses, DNA viruses, and ...
Why do larger viruses have DNA and not RNA? What do RNA viruses teach us about evolution? Which type of RNA (i.e., mRNA, tRNA, rRNA) works as the genetic material of RNA viruses? RNA viruses mutate and evolve faster than other viruses. Why? In what two ways are deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) different from ribonucleic acid (RNA)?
Retrovirus Examples, Life Cycle & Difference from Other Viruses
Nov 21, 2023 · Viruses are tiny infectious agents composed of a type of nucleic acid, which can be either DNA or RNA, enclosed by a protein coat.Viruses cannot reproduce on their own, and they need to infect a ...
Definition, Classifications & Structure - Lesson - Study.com
Nov 21, 2023 · RNA viruses replicate in the host's cells' cytoplasm, while DNA viruses replicate in the nucleus of the host cell. The third way to classify viruses is by mode of replication. Viruses need a host ...
Is a RNA or DNA virus more dangerous? | Homework.Study.com
Learn about RNA viruses and their replication strategies. Explore the features and viruses of RNA, such as double-stranded, positive and negative sense, and reverse transcription. Related to this Question
Viruses, Viroids & Prions | Overview & Examples - Lesson
Nov 21, 2023 · Viruses are non-living infectious agents made of nucleic acids and outer protective protein coating. Viroids are non-living infectious agents made of naked pieces of single-stranded circular RNA ...