Nematode - Wikipedia
Depending on its species, a nematode may be beneficial or detrimental to plant health. From agricultural and horticulture perspectives, the two categories of nematodes are the predatory ones, which kill garden pests; and the pest nematodes, which attack plants, or act as vectors spreading plant viruses between crop plants. [60]
Prospects of using predatory nematodes in biological control …
Sep 1, 2021 · Predatory nematodes play an important role in maintaining the population of plant parasitic nematodes and other soil biota in soil ecosystem. Based on feeding apparatus and feeding methods, predatory nematodes can be categorized in four major groups viz., mononchids, diplogasterids, dorylaimids and aphelenchids. This review examines predatory ...
A review on the role of predatory soil nematodes in the …
Feb 1, 2007 · Predatory nematodes feed on soil microorganisms including plant parasitic nematodes. They reduce populations of plant parasitic nematodes in virtually all soils because of their constant association with plant parasitic nematodes in the rhizosphere, and also release nutrients in plant-available forms, which may enable plants to better withstand ...
Predatory behavior is an inherited trait across multiple …
4 days ago · Predatory behavior in nematodes is shown to be an inherited trait influenced by long-term environmental exposure, with significant adaptations occurring over multiple generations. Experiments ...
Biological Control Potentials Of Predatory Nematodes
Mar 9, 2018 · Prey searching and feeding mechanisms, prey preferences, ecology, biology and conservation of predatory nematodes and prey resistance and susceptibility to predation are elaborated and supplemented with the list of plant-parasitic nematodes recorded as prey to various species of predatory nematodes.
Soil-Borne Nematodes: Impact in Agriculture and Livestock and ...
Soil-borne parasitic nematodes cause severe deterioration in the health of crops and supply animals, leading to enormous economic losses in the agriculture and livestock industry worldwide.
Plant diversity and identity effects on predatory nematodes and …
Jan 23, 2015 · In a biodiversity field experiment, we examined the effects of plant diversity and identity on the infectivity of entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs, Heterorhabditis and Steinernema spp.), which prey on soil arthropods, and abundance of carnivorous non-EPNs, which are predators of other nematode groups.
Biological Control Potentials Of Predatory Nematodes
Jan 1, 2007 · Prey searching and feeding mechanisms, prey preferences, ecology, biology and conservation of predatory nematodes and prey resistance and susceptibility to predation are elaborated and...
(PDF) Prospects of using predatory nematodes in
May 1, 2021 · Based on feeding apparatus and feeding methods, predatory nematodes can be categorized in four major groups viz., mononchids, diplogasterids, dorylaimids and aphelenchids. This review...
Predatory nematodes as bio-control agent against plant-parasitic ...
Based on type of feeding apparatus and mode of feeding, predatory nematode are classified into different taxonomic categories. This review has made an attempt to evaluate the bio-efficacy of predaceous nematodes and their future prospects.