Darnified UI, Mouse issues + Unreadable Black text
Feb 10, 2021 · Recently went through a multi-day process to try and work out a modded Oblivion. Despite all my best efforts however, i've been utterly unable to get the Darnified UI font to function properly. It's always a big blurry black smudgy mess that's borderline impossible to read unless you really like ...
UI running at different size to game resolution
Dec 18, 2011 · Oddly, if I play with Darnified UI installed, the settings menu allow me to move the HUD outside of this smaller area it loads in. This does nothing about the pointer mis-positioning problem though. This happens even if I change the game resolution.
LF Oblivion-style UI overhaul - Mod Ideas - Nexus Mods Forums
Mar 12, 2014 · IMO the Oblivion version is much more aesthetically pleasing and immersive than the Skyrim version.... I didn't have any qualms with Skyrim's UI textures at first, but after playing Oblivion for a couple days then going back to Skyrim, I have to say that the latter game's UI looks incredibly ugly and bland. Edited March 12, 2014 by Dahveed
First Time Modding Oblivion (UI Issues) - The Nexus Forums
Apr 22, 2020 · However, the ui seems to be broken. The main menu seems to have a strange pixelated color over top of it, the cursor is non existant and shows up as a block of missing texture, most of the buttons either don't work, or appear offscreen, and when you get in game, opening the menu with esc also breaks making it so you cannot close the menu.
Oct 29, 2018 · DarnifiedUI seems to be the go-to UI changer if playing Oblivion on a pc. And especially with larger resolution schreens (1920x1080 and up). Indeed DarnUI gives the better experience when not playing on a console on keyboard and mouse. The initial thing I didn't like about any available DarnUI iteration is the console font.
Oblivion Reloaded and not working DarNified UI
Jan 10, 2016 · If your UI is still vanilla, then it's possible your BSA have a recent date, which cause Oblivion to use the files in BSA instead of loose files. About Oblivion Reloaded, the shield covering the screen is a common problem when using the vanilla animations.
DarNified UI 1.3.2 doesn't save settings, Horse Commands don't
Oct 8, 2009 · I don't have any mods other than DarNified UI 1.3.2 installed which should cause a conflict. Oblivion isn't crashing upon exit, and everything else seems fine. I tried re-reading the install notes, to no avail. Not sure if it matters, but I used Oblivion Mod Manager 1.1.12 to install DarNified UI and all other mods.
Is there other ui then skyui - Skyrim SE - Nexus Mods Forums
Dec 4, 2021 · I personally use SkyHUD with Oblivion theme. But there are other Custom Themes for it. There is also iHUD, highly customizable with alot of functionality. There is nothing that comes even close but of course it all depends what someone wants from a HUD i guess. Edited December 10, 2021 by Guest
DarNified UI issues - Mod troubleshooting - Nexus Mods Forums
Sep 24, 2011 · Also, you don't have any other UI mods running with DarN, right? Try reinstalling it, picking another font and choose the smaller font size. See if that makes any difference. If that doesn't work, try using the DarNified Dark UI Omod install instead and see if that makes a difference. Edited September 24, 2011 by luxwing0go
Best UI/HUD Mods? - Discussion - Nexus Mods Forums - The …
Apr 24, 2008 · You can also discuss which HUD/UI you find to be the best and mention any pros/cons about it. As far as the UI's go I don't really like the dark ones -- a purely aesthetic preference. And the wz Morrowind one is good too, probably as close as it can get to replicating the original, but it just didn't feel right to me so I didn't keep it.