Moroccan culture and traditions - Morocco Sahara Tourism
Morocco is a multi-millennial country, the heir of centuries of tradition. Nothing fixed yet in the kingdom! The culture is alive, is embodied day by day in the small gestures of everyday life, in festivals, rituals or simply everyday habits.
All you need to know about berbers in Morocco - Morocco Sahara …
The traditions of the Berbers in Morocco are still very present today, whether for traditional festivals, weddings or births, or even in everyday life. Especially in the South, where it is common to see women still dressed in traditional clothes, or wearing festive make-up with henna or saffron.
17 Facts to understand a moroccan wedding - Morocco Sahara …
Fairy-like, traditional and high in color (and rhythmic vibrations!), the Moroccan wedding is unlike any other. The proof is in this article that decorates 17 particularities around the Moroccan wedding…
All you need to know about the moroccan traditional clothing: main costumes, origins, evolution and much more
5 Moroccan Dessert Recipes For Foodies - Morocco Sahara Tourism
5 traditional Moroccan Dessert Recipes you must try. Learn how to cook: chebakia, m´hancha, briouat, seffa and baklava
Ramadan in Morocco - Morocco Sahara Tours
Ramadan is the Islamic holy month of fasting. Discover all about Ramadan in Morocco and pros and cons of traveling in Morocco during Ramadan.
Feast of sacrifice - Morocco Sahara Tourism
Eid al-Adha or the Feast of Sacrifice, is celebrated by Muslims all over the world as a major holiday. Discover this festivity in Morocco
Main Catholic churches in Morocco - Morocco Sahara Tourism
The Catholic Church in Morocco (Arabic: “الكنيسة الكاثوليكية في المغرب, Alkanisat alkathulikiat fi Almaghrib”), refers to the institutional body and its local community having Catholicism as its religion in Morocco.