Trends in CO2 - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
4 days ago · The graphs show monthly mean carbon dioxide measured at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. The carbon dioxide data on Mauna Loa constitute the longest record of direct measurements of CO 2 in the atmosphere.
Trends in CO2 - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) Mauna Loa, Hawaii; Global; CO 2 Animation; CO 2 Emissions
Trends in CO2 - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
4 days ago · This figure shows the atmospheric increase of CO 2 over 280 ppm in weekly averages of CO 2 observed at Mauna Loa. The value of 280 ppm is chosen as representative of pre-industrial air because it is close to the average of CO 2 measured and dated with high time resolution between the years 1000 and 1800 in an ice core from Law Dome, Antarctica.
Trends in CO2 - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
4 days ago · Hourly (red circles) and Daily (yellow circles) averaged CO 2 values from Mauna Loa, Hawaii for the last 31 days. The graph, updated daily, shows as individual points daily and hourly mean CO 2 for the last 31 days.
Trends in CO2 - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
4 days ago · Click for a comparison with recent trends in carbon dioxide at Mauna Loa, Hawaii, which has the longest continuous record of direct atmospheric CO 2 measurements. How to reference content from this page. Lan, X., Tans, P. and K.W. Thoning: Trends in globally-averaged CO2 determined from NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory measurements.
Trends in CO2 - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
Additional CO 2 data from Mauna Loa and other worldwide sampling sites can be found using the GML Data Finder of public data sets. These values are subject to change depending on quality control checks of the measured data, but any revisions are expected to be small.
Trends in CO2 - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
The table and the graph show annual mean carbon dioxide growth rates for Mauna Loa. In the graph, decadal averages of the growth rate are also plotted, as horizontal lines for 1960 through 1969, 1970 through 1979, and so on.
Trends in CO2 - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
4 days ago · The figure shows daily averaged CO 2 from four GML Atmospheric Baseline observatories; Barrow, Alaska (in blue), Mauna Loa, Hawaii (in red), American Samoa (in green), and South Pole, Antarctica (in yellow). The thick black lines represent the average of the smoothed seasonal curves and the smoothed, de-seasonalized curves for each of the records.
Data Visualization - NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory
News Seminars Education/Outreach Student Opportunities FAQ's Publications Webcams South Pole Webcam Mauna Loa Webcams Barrow Webcam Global Monitoring Annual Conference. The 53 rd Conference will be held May 20 - 21, 2025 ... All - a graph of all available data . Current - this year's data .
Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases - NOAA Global Monitoring …
In the case of Mauna Loa, the range of the standards is from about 350 to 430 ppm. Each of the five standards is compared several times with a “Reference” gas from a tank of CO 2 -in-dry-air called “R0”, and the average difference between each standard and the reference gas is …