SS Lazio - Detailed squad 24/25 - Transfermarkt
Squad SS Lazio This page displays a detailed overview of the club's current squad. It shows all personal information about the players, including age, nationality, contract duration and market value.
SS Lazio - Club profile - Transfermarkt
Squad size: 31 ; Average age: 26.3 ; Foreigners: 22 71.0 %; National team players: 12; Stadium: Olimpico di Roma 70.634 Seats; Current transfer record: €-25.55m +
SS Lazio - Squad by position - Transfermarkt
Current squad of the club Lazio in the Serie A including an arrangement according to main position and side positions.
SS Lazio - Squad statistics - Transfermarkt
The squad overview lists all player stats for a selected season. The results can be sorted by competition, which means that only the stats for the selected competition will be displayed. Alongside squad call-ups and actual games played, the page also lists information such as minutes played and goals scored.
SS Lazio - Next season's squad - Transfermarkt
This is the expected squad for the coming season. The list takes into account all players currently confirmed as new arrivals or returners. You can choose to display all players whose contacts are expiring, but who do not yet have a subsequent contract lined up.
SS Lazio - Squad number history - Transfermarkt
Squad size: 31 ; Average age: 26.3 ; Foreigners: 22 71.0 %; National team players: 12; Stadium: Olimpico di Roma 70.634 Seats; Current transfer record: €-25.55m +
SS Lazio - Transfers 24/25 | Transfermarkt
Squad size: 31 ; Average age: 26.3 ; Foreigners: 22 71.0 %; National team players: 12; Stadium: Olimpico di Roma 70.634 Seats; Current transfer record: €-25.55m +
Mattia Zaccagni - Squad number history - Transfermarkt
Jun 16, 1995 · This is the shirt number history of Mattia Zaccagni from Lazio Rom. This statistic shows which shirt numbers the palyer has already worn in his career.
SS Lazio - Most expensive XI - Transfermarkt
Squad size: 31 ; Average age: 26.3 ; Foreigners: 22 71.0 %; National team players: 12; Stadium: Olimpico di Roma 70.634 Seats; Current transfer record: €-25.55m +
SS Lazio - Foreign players from Netherlands - Transfermarkt
Squad size: 31 ; Average age: 26.3 ; Foreigners: 22 71.0 %; National team players: 12; Stadium: Olimpico di Roma 70.634 Seats; Current transfer record: €-25.55m +