coverage map
CoverageMap.net is a service that shows the measured coverage for the IoT networks like Helium IoT and The Things Network. The coverage is measured by users of the network that do drive tests, and provide the data to this mapping service.
Helium World
Explore the world's largest IoT network. ⌘ K. Active Hotspots
Helium Coverage
Coverage of the Helium People's Network. Helium Coverage . Heatmap; Advanced maps; CoverageMap.net; Coverage of the Helium People's Network. Helium Coverage . Heatmap; Advanced maps; CoverageMap.net Colour Signal; strong→ > -100 dBm -100 - -105 -105 - -110: ←weak -110 - -115 ...
IOT Coverage Mapping | Helium Documentation
The Mappers Coverage map is a crowd-sourced effort to build a true-signal coverage map of the Helium IoT Network across the globe. By mapping real-world coverage, network users can understand where sensor deployments are likely to have success connecting to …
Helium Mobile Planner
Helium Mobile Coverage Planner Sign in with your Helium Mobile account to plan coverage.
Helium World
Explore modeled network coverage to understand the extent, strength and redundancy of coverage in your area.
Helium Coverage
Search for an experiment based on a part of its name.
Helium Mappers
We're getting the conversation started with this release. Your feedback is key in defining the features in the next evolution of this tool. Visit Docs to find a few ways to give input or jump into GitHub to file an issue or contribute.Docs to find a few ways to give input or jump into GitHub to file an issue or contribute.
Helium Mobile Coverage Map
Helium Mobile primarily runs over T-Mobile's network. A map of that coverage is shown below. Helium Mobile's coverage is supplemented by cellular radios and Wi-Fi hotspots that are part of the Helium project.
The Launch of a New Helium Explorer
Aug 5, 2021 · The new Explorer puts coverage front and center. The coverage map is now visible on all pages, from Latest Hotspots, Beacons, and Validator locations. We also bring over the concept of Hexagons (introduced in the Helium app earlier this year). Learn more about how the Helium Network visualizes coverage here.
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