Greek Orthodox Mannor
Greek Orthodox Manor’s Mission is to provide safe, secure, affordable housing for seniors and people with disabilities.
Greek Orthodox Mannor
Greek Orthodox Manor 9440 W. Congress Street Wauwatosa, WI 53225 P: 414-362-7240
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Greek Orthodox Manor
Please note the following: As of July 1, 2013, the entire grounds of the Greek Orthodox Manor will be smoke free. There will be no smoking allowed in the building, apartments or outside on the …
Greek Orthodox Manor Application and Eligibility
To qulify for Greek Orthodox Manor, an applicant must: Be at least 62 years old or be over 18 and mobility impaired; Meet HUD income guidelines as listed; Rent is based on 30% of adjusted …
Contact Us - Greek Orthodox Manor
Greek Orthodox Manor 9440 W. Congress Street Wauwatosa, WI 53225 P: 414-362-7240 Management Services: Rosenthal Associates, Inc. P: 414-362-7240
Apartments at Green Orthodox Manor - Greek Orthodox Manor …
Greek Orthodox Manor apartments offer 34 like-new one bedroom apartments. These apartments are for seniors (62+) and disabled residents. Qualifying residents pay as little as 30% of their …
Testimonials - Greek Orthodox Manor
It seems that there are always improvements underway here at The Orthodox Manor! I especially love my new counter tops. My favorite times are the activities. We just returned from a …
Greek Orthodox Manor - Testimonials
It seems that there are always improvements underway here at The Orthodox Manor! I especially love my new counter tops. My favorite times are the activities. We just returned from a …