Gengar : r/pokemonmemes - Reddit
Dec 24, 2021 · 675 votes, 14 comments. 122K subscribers in the pokemonmemes community. A place to enjoy and look at Pokémon Memes!
Shiny Gengar Meme, : r/pokemonmemes - Reddit
Jul 5, 2023 · 276 votes, 10 comments. 121K subscribers in the pokemonmemes community. A place to enjoy and look at Pokémon Memes!
(Shiny) Gengar : r/pokemonmemes - Reddit
Apr 24, 2022 · Ehhhhh, a cool mega that’s only available in a few games doesn’t make up for it, IMO. Gengar’s shiny form might be one of the biggest shiny disappointments considering it’s been a fan-favorite for almost 30 years.
We are all Gengar in this day : r/pokemon - Reddit
I'm looking at this meme snuggling with a giant Gengar plushie, all salty about the ugly ass kid who ditched him. I'll crack your knees, you little shit. Come here buddy I just wanna play baseball with you!!!
A simplified guide for gengar : r/PokemonUnite - Reddit
Gengar takes very little damage before dying, though, so you have to make sure you have an exit plan. That's where the escape button comes in. You can get interrupted and shutdown (go to hell slowbro), but it's still a really powerful combo. Edit: Gah, wait a second. Trying to confirm the slow speed and special defense drop.
Gengar, I choose you : r/pokemonmemes - Reddit
Oct 8, 2022 · Gengar, I choose you 👾 ... If this post is a meme and you think it belongs on r/pokemonmemes, upvote ...
Tumblr meme format : r/CuratedTumblr - Reddit
Apr 12, 2021 · Gengar: I can't use the same OC in numerous unrelated projects Panel 2 [A voice from the audience calls out in response.] Audience: you could if you weren't a fucking coward mlovesstrawberries. this needs to be a meme format solely because knowing the context of the original makes anything you put in the first box 100x funnier entitty
Gengar is the main character of gen 3 ou : r/stunfisk - Reddit
Gengar is a Ghost-type, which means it's immune to Rapid Spin. And because of the way Rapid Spin works, if it gets blocked, the entire effect, including the hazard-removal, gets blocked, too. So when you set up spikes, and the opponent switches in something that seems like it'd know Rapid Spin, you switch in Gengar, and now the opponent can't ...
Why couldn’t we have that as shiny gengar : r/pokemonmemes
Nov 18, 2022 · From what I heard, pokemon from gens 1-5 had there shiny colorations decided via algorithm, so whether a shiny looked great (like Charizard, Umbreon, or Zoroark), looked unimpressive (like Machamp, Hippowdon, or Scizor), or looked exactly the same (like Gengar, Leafeon, or Regice) was more or less just a roll of the dice.
sad gengar sitting on stairs : r/MemeTemplatesOfficial - Reddit
Apr 8, 2022 · In the Animal Justice System, smol crime offenders are sometimes the most devious, dangerous delinquents. In Sparrow Fe, California these dedicated individuals form an adorable bulwark against this plight by posting only the worst criminals so that others might straighten up and fly right.