Coal Region Towns, Villages, and Patches
Towns, Villages, Patches in the Coal Region - R - << Prev Next >> Ramtown : "the capital of Phoenix Park", just north of Llewellyn: Ranshaw : see Brady: Rappahannock (the Rap) : between The Foot and Girardville: Rausch Creek : between old exits 32 and 33 on Interstate 81. This patch was razed with the construction of I-81.
Coal Region Towns, Villages, and Patches
Located on the west side of the Wyoming Valley, across the river, just west of Wilkes-Barre. Not really a patch; a pretty good size town by Coal Region standards. Also called Old Shawnee. Port Carbon : a canal coal barge port, east of Pottsville.
CoalRegion Enterprises - CoalRegion.Com
CoalRegion.com provides a venue in which current and former coal crackers can reminisce and pass on the unique heritage of the Coal Region. It serves as an archive for the more personal aspects of the region's culture, the kinds of things you don't see in history books.
Coal Region Recipes
The multi-ethnic heritage of the region makes it home to wonderful recipes from all over the world. From boilo to halupkies , city chicken to mozhee , many a Coal Cracker's mouth waters at the mere mention of these culinary delights.
Famous Coal Crackers - William Emmet Keating
Born and raised in Mt. Laffee in 1886, William Emmet Keating attained national prominence as a composer and performer of ballads, poems and songs about early 20th Century life in the Anthracite Coal Region.
Coal Region Towns, Villages, and Patches
Eynon : part of the Archbald borough, but recognized as a separate town specifically because of the Welsh miners that settled the region. Former site of 'The North West Mines.' See also upda Eynon.
Welcome to the Coal Region
This web site is a collection of nostalgia and regionalisms from the Anthracite Coal Region of Pennsylvania. The region is made up of Schuylkill, Carbon, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Northumberland, and Columbia counties, and also the northernmost reaches of Dauphin county.
Coal Region and Coal Mining Books
Takes readers back to the late 1800's when the mining of coal created jobs, built towns, and powered the ships, trains, and factories leapfrogging the United States into one of the world's most powerful nations.
Coal Region Recipes - Halushki
Halushki - A quickie noodle dish 1 head cabbage 1 package wide noodles Onions to taste Butter Salt and pepper Variation 1: Cook wide noodles and drain. Cut up cabbage, onions, add butter and water. Cook until cabbage is done, making sure no water remains (5 to 7 minutes).
Coal Region Recipes - City Chicken
City Chicken (not really chicken at all) 1/2 lb. pork 1/2 lb. veal 1 egg, beaten Bread crumbs (seasoned if you want) 1 c. milk Heat oven to 350 degrees. Cut pork and veal into 1" cubes. Thread on bamboo or wooden skewers, alternating chunks of pork and veal.