Benue–Congo languages - Wikipedia
Benue–Congo (sometimes called East Benue–Congo) is a major branch of the Volta-Congo languages which covers most of Sub-Saharan Africa. Central Nigerian (or Platoid) contains the Plateau, Jukunoid and Kainji families, and Bantoid–Cross combines the …
Benue-Congo languages | African Language Family | Britannica
Benue-Congo languages, the largest branch of the Niger-Congo language family, in terms of the number of speakers, the number of languages, and the wide geographic spread, stretching from the Benin-Nigeria border across Nigeria and Cameroon through central Africa to eastern Africa.
Volta–Niger languages - Wikipedia
The Volta–Niger family of languages, also known as West Benue–Congo or East Kwa, is one of the branches of the Niger–Congo language family, with perhaps 70 million speakers. Among these are the most important languages of southern Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and southeast Ghana: Yoruba, Igbo, Bini, and Gbe.
Benue - languagesgulper.com
Benue-Congo, a part of the Niger-Congo phylum, is the largest language family of Africa, including some 900 languages spoken by 500 million people (half of the continent’s population). It is dominant in all central and southern African countries, besides …
Benue-Congo Languages | Culture | Africa | Naijabiography
4 days ago · The Benue-Congo language family, which stretches from the Benin-Nigeria border across Nigeria and Cameroon through central Africa to eastern Africa, is the largest branch of the Niger-Congo language family in terms of speakers, languages, and geographic range.
The Bantu People of Africa, a story - African American Registry
The Bantu live in sub-Saharan Africa, spread over a vast area from Central Africa across the African Great Lakes to Southern Africa. Linguistically, these languages belong to the Southern Bantoid branch of Benue Congo, one of the language …
Benue-Congo languages summary | Britannica
Benue-Congo languages, Largest branch of the Niger-Congo language family, both in numbers of languages (900) and speakers (at least 500 million).
A Helpful Overview of Benue-Congo Languages
The Benue-Congo subgroup is a significant branch of the larger Volta-Congo language family, predominantly spoken in Sub-Saharan Africa. It’s named after the Benue River in Nigeria, reflecting its historical and geographical heartland.
The largest subgroup of Niger-Congo is Benue-Congo, which includes the Bantu languages that dominate the southern part of the continent. From a typological
Benue-Congo - definition of Benue-Congo by The Free Dictionary
Define Benue-Congo. Benue-Congo synonyms, Benue-Congo pronunciation, Benue-Congo translation, English dictionary definition of Benue-Congo. n. A branch of the Niger-Congo language family in the Volta-Congo group. Its eastern division contains the Bantu languages. American Heritage® Dictionary of...