Feeding Rich Alfalfa Hay to beef cattle | Hay & Forage Forum
Dec 9, 2020 · I have purchased some second cut alfalfa hay, it is dry hay in 4x5' round bales. It was really dry here in Southern Ontario this past summer so there is very little grass that grew back for second cut so its almost pure alfalfa. My question is it okay to feed this to beef cattle for the winter or is there a high chance of bloat with it.
Alfalfa - How Many Days from Cutting to Baling? - Hay & Forage …
Aug 6, 2015 · Hay on the first day of curing the holes in the leaves will be open, unless the hay is in a good sized dark windrow. In that case the holes in the leaves close and THEN our nearest opening for water to escape is the abrasions in the stems from mowing and conditioning.
Alfalfa/Hay - Hay & Forage Forum
Feb 16, 2018 · Discuss alfalfa, orchard grass, timothy, legumes, teff, and other forage here. Round bales, square bales, and haylage.
Alfalfa Hay. Rotary or wheel rake? | Hay & Forage Forum
Jun 18, 2014 · I've used hesston 3983 12 wheel v-rakes for the last 15 yrs doing 600 ac of alfalfa a yr. Always hated the way the v-rakes made my windrows into ropes.
Alfalfa/Grass Market | Hay & Forage Forum
Feb 26, 2025 · Alfalfa/Grass Market Jump to Latest 976 views 10 replies 4 participants last post by Thorim Mar 5, 2025
Deer eating alfalfa - Hay & Forage Forum
Oct 3, 2015 · A 48-inch high field fence topped with a strand of barbed wire surrounds our alfalfa field and for two years, no whitetail deer have been in the alfalfa. While local doe usually go under perimeter barbed wire fences, larger bucks here have 8+ points (not Montana count) and must jump perimeter fences.
Mixing grass with alfalfa - Hay & Forage Forum
Aug 27, 2017 · I have meadowbrome/alf mix on a couple fields it varies alot in percentage from 1st to later cuttings.First cutting is 40% grass and 2nd and later cuttings are under 10% so something to consider when you are selling the hay.I have a market for the 40% grass mix and the 10% so not a issue for me.
Alfalfa - Hay & Forage Forum
Mar 10, 2012 · After time, alfalfa's tap root will go as much as 50' deep (or so I was told!). rjmoses There is a story about a dry land alfalfa growing in Nevada where the roots of alfalfa plants were penetrating the roof of some old mines. -95 feet comes to mind.
Secrets of alfalfa hay sampling and testing
Sep 17, 2015 · This is a key first step to proper hay sampling, and one frequently ignored. A hay lot should be identified which is a single cutting, a single field and variety, and generally be less than 200 tons. Combinations of different lots of hay cannot be represented adequately by a forage sampling method; different lots should be sampled separately.
Equipment needed for alfalfa - Hay & Forage Forum
Sep 4, 2015 · Growing and selling Grass and Alfalfa hay in Northern Colorado for the last 25 years. www.northerncoloradohayforsale.info Save Share