BRAINTREE -- El Arzobispo Richard Henning inició formalmente el Año Jubilar de 2025 en la Arquidiócesis de Boston con una ...
Durante su primera Navidad en Boston, el arzobispo Richard G. Henning visitó programas que ayudan a los necesitados y celebró ...
STONEHAM -- "La escuela secundaria es bastante desafiante", dice Courtney Finocchiaro, la profesora de arte en la Escuela St. Patrick en Stoneham. Ella debería saberlo. Como miembro del programa de me ...
BRIDGEWATER -- "Deténganlo. Son solo demonios." El Padre Glenn Sudano, cofundador de los Padres Franciscanos de la Renovación y exorcista oficial de la Arquidiócesis de Newark, tuvo ese consejo para l ...
In a troubled world, the birth of Christ reveals God's unwavering determination to draw all people to himself and illuminate even the darkest corners, Pope Francis said. Despite ...
She was a wife. A mother. A teacher. She was also -- as the title of a new exhibit at the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth ...
The president of the Spanish bishops' conference, Archbishop Luis Argüello of Valladolid, reacted to Spanish public television's New Year's program in which a host mocked an ...
Why does God care about us and what does Jesus' invitation to the rich young man in the Gospels to follow him mean for our lives? Thousands of college students, gathered in th ...
Father Henrykh Akalatovich, pastor of the Catholic parish in Valožyn, was sentenced to 11 years in a penal colony in Belarus ...
Sunday: 10:00AM (In Polish). Weekday: 8:45AM Sat (In Polish); 7:00PM Fri (In Polish). Reconciliation: 6:00-7:00PM Mon (In Polish); 6:00-7:00PM Wed-Fri (In Polish); 11 ...
Sunday: 10:30AM (Extraordinary Form). Weekday: 9:00AM Sat (Extraordinary Form); 5:30PM Tue (Extraordinary Form); 5:30PM Thu (Extraordinary Form); 12:30PM Mon ...
Collaborative with Our Lady of Lourdes, Saint Mary of the Angels ...