In the run-up to this year's JEC World's Leading Trade Fair for Composite Materials in Paris, the prototype of a sustainable house wall developed in the BMBF-funded DACCUSS-Pre project was honoured.
The Department of Flight Mechanics, Flight Control and Aeroelasticity (FMRA) of TU Berlin is developing a flight demonstrator with high aspect ratio transport aircraft configuration, TU-Flex. The DLR ...
What makes the Federal Aviation Research Programme (LuFo Klima) so successful and how can companies benefit from it? On this page we present some success stories. Carbon fibre reinforced plastics ...
Saving weight is an effective way of making aeroplanes more efficient and sustainable. Christian Garthaus is convinced of this. "For every kilo that we make a large commercial aircraft lighter, we ...
Carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) are amazing materials. They are strong and rigid, yet extremely light. No wonder they have been used in aviation for some time now. At Braunschweig-based ...
The demands placed on modern aircraft engines are high. They need to be powerful. And efficient. And, of course, as low in emissions as possible. To master this balancing act, Rolls-Royce is driving ...
At MTU Aero Engines in Munich, the fact that research and development are the basic prerequisites for efficient and sustainable aviation in the future is a matter of course. And the LuFo programme has ...
The fact that sensors in all kinds of devices collect all kinds of data is nothing new in itself. They have also been doing this in aircraft cabins for a long time. The functions of the coffee machine ...
Im Vorfeld der diesjährigen JEC Weltleitmesse für Composite-Materialien in Paris ist der Prototyp einer nachhaltigen Hauswand ausgezeichnet worden, welche im BMBF-geförderten DACCUSS-Pre Projekt ...
Nicht nur im Kino, sondern auch in der Wissenschaft ist 3D voll im Trend. Und auch du kannst 3D-Fotos und -Filme herstellen! Und zwar mit einer ganz normalen Digitalkamera! Hollywood lässt grüßen! DLR ...
Mit einer Konservendose samt Düse baust du dein eigenes Raketentriebwerk! Und findest auch noch heraus, wie große Raketen durch das Rückstoßprinzip ins Weltall gelangen. ACHTUNG: Dieses Experiment ...
Hier hatten einige Kinder einer amerikanischen Schule Gelegenheit, mit den NASA-Astronauten Reid Wiseman und Steve Swanson zu sprechen. Und Alex kam dann spontan auch noch dazu. Für die Wiedergabe ...