The happy game Pollyanna's father taught her soon spreads friendship and joy in the village. After succeeding to adopt a stray cat and dog, she sets her mind to 'fellow orphan' Jimmy Bean.
NARRATOR: Today, Yusuf is in Hertfordshire to meet Pollyanna, a 12-year-old girl with a love of ballet. POLLYANNA: I first got into ballet when I was four. I want to be a dancer when I grow up.
Pollyanna McIntosh: She's one of the most grounded and fun characters I've gotten to play in my work. She's fascinating. She's maddening. That's always fun. I'm quite a hyper person in my own life.
Pollyanna McIntosh, J ... Crane (Dead Ringers, Billions) will play Chandler Groff, a man darkly grief-stricken over the loss of his wife, who is welcoming to the Pogues on their latest adventure.