Like an ambiguous game of telephone, messages get lost in translation when Mercury squares Jupiter, and no one’s quite sure what’s going on! Read between the lines, or swim in a sea of confusion!
An alignment of seven planets will be visible in Friday's evening sky. Here's when and where to view the celestial phenomenon from Texas.
Heads up, skywatchers: a planet alignment is up for viewing this weekend, with Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Mars all visible with the naked eye, according to NASA. However, along with Uranus, Neptune, ...
The ringed gas giant Saturn has officially replaced Jupiter as the planet in our solar system with the most moons. The ...
Seven planets will line up for a "planet parade" on Friday, Feb. 28, as Mercury lines up with Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Venus and Saturn.
On February 20, Mercury in Pisces forms a square with Jupiter in Gemini, setting the stage for a cosmic tug-of-war. On February 20, Mercury in Pisces forms a square with Jupiter in Gemini ...
From west to east: Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and Mars. But on Friday, Feb. 28, a slim crescent Moon will join the parade, floating between Mercury and Saturn. Saturn on that night ...
Read between the lines, or swim in a sea of confusion! On Feb. 20, Mercury in Pisces will square Jupiter in Gemini, creating a cosmic clash between two very different energies — Mercury wants ...