To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Peter Frampton's breakthrough 1975 album, 'Frampton', we're giving away an Epiphone Les ...
Like Warren Haynes, the two guitarists have recently taken a shine to the P90 — but each player has his own reasons ...
The first new design from EVH under Wolfgang Van Halen's watch is a Gibson-inspired semi-hollow with plenty of personality ...
Available in Standard, Deluxe and Custom Editions, this weighty 400-pager is essential for Metallica gear heads and tells the story behind Hammett's most-famous guitars ...
Gibson - the iconic American-made and leading instrument brand—has a legacy of making world-class instruments since 1894 when ...
Singer-songwriter David Rawlings talks about a guitar he found in a friend’s basement and located an incredibly rare item to ...
With a storied history as a live band before their first single, The Beatles had played with several classic guitars before 'Love Me 'Do stormed the charts.
Joey Molland, a guitarist with the Welsh pop-rock band Badfinger that was known for such 1970s hits as “No Matter What” and “Day After Day,” has ...