University of Queensland researchers are designing nanotechnology they believe could improve how we treat the most aggressive form of breast cancer.
Five years ago, the Covid-19 pandemic swept through the world, resulting in massive disruptions, including to biomedical ...
The AuToDeCRA-2 study seeks to prove it is possible to train white blood cell commanders - dubbed the "generals" of the ...
Giving students a peek at the math under the hood of AI can help them understand the potential power and pitfalls of the ...
A retiring Palm Beach County high school English teacher spells out challenges of lowered expectations in today's classroom.
Pennsylvania offered schools money to buy pouches that lock phones away, but only 18 public school entities requested funding ...
What drew you to pursue a career in oncology and what is it that inspires you most about working in this field?
For some wrestlers, a tag team split is the best thing that can happen. For others it's the opposite, as they end up getting ...
Chundawat is a bioengineer and expert on protein engineering and glycosciences, the study of complex carbohydrates such as cellulose. To make the cells fluorescent and detectable by the microscope, he ...
Now, as a scientist at the University of Pennsylvania, Charly is working to rewrite the future of cancer treatment.
By that, Coale means it's a lot like what gave rise to the mitochondria (the energy-making powerhouse of cells) some 1.5 ...
Biology might ultimately provide a solution, however. Researchers have identified bacteria that evolved the ability to digest ...