NASA is tracking a bus-sized asteroid that will be zooming past the Earth today at a speed of nearly 28,028 miles per hour.
Meteorites are rocks from space that survive their fiery descent through Earth's atmosphere and reach the ground. More than ...
The spacecraft captured the Red Planet and its enigmatic moons, Deimos and Phobos, marking its first deep-space imaging ...
NASA's $1.4 billion NEO Surveyor space telescope is designed to spot and track potentially hazardous asteroids, offering ...
Ground telescopes have offered our best asteroid data so far, but spotting dark, tumbling rocks from Earth is like finding ...
Learn about the projects that hope to acquire rare metals from space by mining asteroids, creating a budding industry with ...
The threat from near-Earth asteroid 2024 YR4 may have subsided, but discoveries of other hazardous space rocks are set to ...
TN17, a gigantic space rock the size of the Taj Mahal, is speeding towards Earth at 77,282 km/h. It is rated as possibly ...
Scientists traced origins of 75 meteorites back to specific regions in the asteroid belt, revealing new insights into their ...
Surveyor, a $1.4-billion infrared telescope designed to detect asteroids and comets that could pose a threat to Earth.