Prototyping is a personal affair, with approaches ranging from dead-bug parts on tinplate through stripboard and protoboard, ...
Another day, another Internet-connected gadget that gets abandoned by its creators. This time it’s Jooki — a screen-free ...
When attempting to secure something, whether it’s a computer, sensitive data, or valuables, there’s always going to be a way ...
Ever want to get into reverse engineering but don’t know where to start? You’re in luck — [Hash] just dropped a case study in ...
Detecting single photons can be seen as the backbone of cutting-edge applications like LiDAR, medical imaging, and secure optical communication. Miss one, and critical information could be lost ...
When the AMSAT-OSCAR 7 (AO-7) amateur radio satellite was launched in 1974, its expected lifespan was about five years. The plucky little satellite made it to 1981 when a battery failure caused it ...
We use ARM devices in everything from our microcontroller projects to our laptops, and many of us are aware of the architecture’s humble beginnings in a 1980s Acorn Archimedes computer. ARM ...
Anyone will tell you that as hard as it is to create a working system, the real trick is making two systems talk to each other, especially if you created only one or none of them. That’s why ...
The Pomdoro technique of time management has moved on a little from the tomato-shaped kitchen timer which gave it a name, as ...
It might not be Pi Day anymore, but Elliot and Dan got together for the approximately 100*Pi-th episode of the Podcast to run ...
We recently got a note in the tips line from [Tavis Gustafson], who is one of the developers of Tronbyt — a replacement ...
It doesn’t matter if its a Vespa or a Peterbilt truck — if you ignore the maintenance needs of your vehicle, you do so at ...