With different work schedules, travel and other family obligations, accommodating the wishes of the one sibling has been ...
Miss Manners cannot promise that they will develop the same aesthetic and sentimental attachment to the set that you seem to ...
So let’s not jump to condemning your friends by setting rules and deadlines for returning calls. Yours are evidently not ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: How long should someone wait for a call to be returned? My friend and I talk frequently on the phone.
Miss Manners cannot promise that they will develop the same aesthetic and sentimental attachment to the set that you seem to ...
So let’s not jump to condemning your friends by setting rules and deadlines for returning calls. Yours are evidently not ...
So let’s not jump to condemning your friends by setting rules and deadlines for returning calls. Yours are evidently not ...
The American color of mourning is black, although the code is only sporadically observed (except in cases of funerals for ...
DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am blessed with a wonderful doctor who is caring, highly intelligent, personable and who always has time ...
In today's Miss Manners column, advice columnist Judith Martin offers advice on recognizing a physician's dedication and ...
Do you make a distinction between funerals and celebrations of life, or do you believe mourning prevails regardless?
Never mind that you, Miss Manners and probably your old family friends know you will not. The fact that you appear to be ...