MOSES LAKE – Moses Lake High School welders will be heading to state competitions March 27 and 28. The team this year ...
Strunk began as a part-time employee in 2017 but has since gone full time and been promoted. He now oversees the welders ...
Teacher Edward Kozloski said students can "wind up getting an entry-level position, internship somewhere. You can go to ...
Lilly Carlson walked into the Welding/Metal Fabrication program at the LoGuidice Educational Center, expecting to see maybe one or two other girls in her junior class. After all, she thought, most ...
The “destination trade school” is attracting students from across the U.S. to Wyoming with its slate of automotive education ...
You won't find many teenage girls with a passion for welding, but the trades have always been a way of life for 17-year-old Riley McKnight.
Mayor Mary Speidel is urging the community to stay informed through the city's official platforms to ensure they are ...
Devine creates 120 to 140 contemporary metal sculptures a year out of the 3,600-square-foot shop on the 15-acre “hobby farm” just outside of Hubbard where he and his family live. His work ends up in ...
Gray skies and scattered rain dimmed the city outside, but inside the Plumber and Steamfitters Union building in Vacaville on ...
Hundreds of manufacturing workers will decide Thursday whether to unionize a south Sacramento plant that builds railcars for ...