Women’s History Month is an excellent time to pay tribute to the many women who significantly improved our understanding and practice of medicine. The achievements of the seven women ...
Meningitis pada anak bisa disebabkan oleh virus atau bakteri. Komplikasi penyakit ini bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian. Baca ...
For instance, it acts to stimulate the immune system against various infections, such as tuberculosis and may help prevent ... These factors include: Skin color Average sun exposure Diet Whether a ...
During the later stages, symptoms are more often the result of opportunistic infections that occur when the virus progressively destroys the immune system and leaves it vulnerable to diseases that can ...
Doctors and healthcare professionals can perform a PPD skin test to test for TB. Medicare Part B may cover eligible costs if your healthcare team decides to perform this test to help diagnose TB ...
Extensively drug-resistant (XDR-TB) strains have been detected in at least 55 countries worldwide. These data substantiate the need for rapid and reliable methods for drug-susceptibility testing ...
Virginia Apgar, an American physician who revolutionized neonatal medicine, created the Apgar score, used to evaluate newborns after birth.
Increase in tuberculin skin test (TST) response after an initially negative test when the test is repeated at any time from 1 week to 1 year later, in the absence of exposure or other evidence of new ...