TB is an infectious disease caused by bacteria that most often affects the lungs. World Tuberculosis Day aims to raise ...
March 18 is World Tuberculosis Day. Let’s do a quick overview of TB, and discuss the different types of TB, risk factors, ...
A PPD test involves an injection of fluid called ... You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our editorial policy.
Sweat from a fingertip can be used to test whether tuberculosis (TB) patients are taking their medication properly. Until now, this could only be done by pricking blood. On March 24 it's World ...
Read: Tragedy would unfold if Trump cancels ... In December, the World Health Organization made its first endorsement of a TB diagnostic test, and global health workers readied to deploy it.
The Health Department has set a target to test five million people for Tuberculosis, as part of its campaign to end TB deaths ...
After settling a 2016 federal court case over enrollment, Lancaster public schools leaves students sitting home for weeks, ...
It's been 21 months since the first PCIe five drives arrived with us. 21 long months, since the Crucial T700, the Gigabyte ...
Advertising The United States paid for motorbike drivers, who earned about $1 for transporting a sample taken from a person with a presumptive infection to a lab to test it for TB. The drivers ...
Also read | Post-tuberculosis lung disease ... vaccination actually works takes a long time and many people to test it. Tuberculosis doesn't develop quickly and only in a small fraction of ...
Genital tuberculosis is a cause of infertility that is often overlooked until it has a significant negative impact on a woman ...
Ahead of World TB Day, Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders (MSF) calls on all countries and international donors to prioritise and ensure sustained investments for diagnosing, treating, ...