Mike Berger, from the Rotary Club of Lake Conroe, educated us on the history of polio and where we are currently.
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens documents your change from an old, self-centered miser to a person concerned with ...
The 12-year-old polio victim from the north-western Pakistani town of Mardan can barely even walk without a special pair of shoes customized for kids with paralysed limbs. “I like playing with o ...
Arcola boss Mehmet Ergen’s staging is brisk and stripped-back but still features a cast of 17, the largest ever at this ...
Nuclear paranoia, red scares and polio-eradication drives are all part ... But newcomer Lulu-Mae Pears fits the bill as goody-two-shoes Allison, aching to take a walk on the wild side.
David Hasan, MD, MSc, a practicing neurosurgeon in the US, discusses how he provided health care in a conflict zone on 2 ...
My wife is a polio survivor. She's having health issues ... wearing blue jeans and a white collared shirt with white tennis shoes while he prepared me for the show. Right before we went on ...
Brazeau talked about the impacts polio had on her. “I had to get new shoes to go to school and that’s when they found out that I was walking on the insides of my feet. My feet were affected, my left ...
After all, your handsome grandfather, who also had polio, made it work with a single ... Nexus Capital Management also invests in shoe brand Toms and the assessment provider ACT.
Good Morning, News: The Lowdown on Upcoming Oregon Laws, Trump Says He Won't Bring Back Polio (But Might Help Bring Back Other Diseases), and Alien Skepticism Good Morning, News: AG-Elect Dan ...