On The Daily Show, Jon Stewart showed footage of various news ... "I, too, believe government needs to be more efficient, to weed out waste, fraud, and abuse, and deliver the necessary services ...
Andrew Schulz knows that hosting Donald Trump on his Flagrant podcast would make everyone think he’s a “right-wing MAGA ...
The Trump administration promoted IRS whistleblowers Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who were responsible for ending Hunter Biden’s sweetheart deal on his tax evasion crimes, signaling a new era in ...
It’s slightly odd that movie versions of stage musicals did not follow on the heels of 1927’s The Jazz Singer, the first talkie, quite as hotly as expected, especially since The Jazz Singer was a ...
In a 10-minute tirade, Jon Stewart accused President Trump and the Republican party of hypocrisy around free speech ...
Jon Stewart returned to his roots this week, and by that we do mean the roots of his hair. While calling out Republicans for ...