A massage therapist pleaded not guilty in Broward County court Tuesday after deputies said he sexually battered a woman as ...
If you’ve only been together a year and you’re hitting the therapist’s couch, is it a sign you should end things? Or that you ...
Can ChatGPT fix relationship problems? An LA couple swears by AI therapy, but experts warn it's no substitute for human ...
New research suggests that bacterial vaginosis can be sexually transmitted, meaning men can reinfect their female partners.
It's a nuanced conversation and you want to be clear on your reasoning behind wanting to explore group sex with him ...
Author and therapist John Gray noted, "Relationships that are out of balance are those where you have too much male energy ...
Preparation for marriage should be made mandatory across all communities in order to reduce divorce rates, especially among ...
It's not uncommon for women's hips to need more TLC. Practicing these hip stretches for women can help you untangle the ...
Journalist and activist Jess Hill's Quarterly Essay argues Australia's primary prevention framework to end violence against ...
The League of Women Voters - Midland Area hosted a presentation on Wednesday on how to relate to "the other side" during ...
Almost half of Jewish women surveyed said their experience in rabbinical court for a divorce harmed their mental health.