The B6.7 Octane has diesel power characteristics—up to 300 horsepower and 660 pound-feet of torque—but it runs on gasoline.
Game engines are software frameworks for game development. Game engines do the heavy lifting for developers so they can focus on other aspects of game development. Open Source real-time strategy game ...
The Perfect Cross Country Machine for Business & the Family. Fully Loaded SLX Model w/ Air Conditioning, Thermawing Deice Platinum TCM Special Edition Engine w/ 220 Since Top Overhaul w/ 6 New Nickel ...
N65LL has a nice list of equipment upgrades plus the performance of a 1,270 (SNEW) Continental engine. The EA-400 was a truly clean-sheet design from Extra – it simply looks fast just sitting on the ...
That's right, Cummins actually did it. They went ahead and dove headfirst into the gasoline engine market. If you ask us, ...
If you've pined over the torque and sturdiness of a Cummins but never wanted a diesel, you're in luck; Cummins is making something new.
A 1978 hand-built Chevrolet C30 pickup truck arrived in Jay Leno's Garage. It is a custom truck that tows a show truck to car ...
Augmenting Reality at Ford Motor: Microsoft HoloLens fundamentally reshapes operator training at Ford’s Rawsonville Components plant in Ypsilanti, Michigan.