Physicists and marine biologists built a quantitative framework that predicts how coral polyps collectively construct a variety of coral shapes. Since before she could remember, Eva Llabrés was a ...
Corals are colonies of tiny polyps that eat plankton. They live in a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae, which feed on coral waste and carbon dioxide and provide the coral oxygen and ...
Even when we think we know everything, or that we think we have a grasp on what species occur in our environment, we don’t,” ...
In the Hawaiian kumulipo (creation chant) the coral polyp was the first organism created by Sky-Father and Earth-Mother, so we see coral as our original ancestor and respect them as elders," said ...
Parasphaerasclera mcfaddenae is a new species of soft coral that has a yellow center and long polyps with tentacles, according to a study published March 10 in Zootaxa, a scientific journal for ...