While Robert Morgan no doubt is deserving of military honors at his funeral, the Morgan family worries the patriarch of their family won’t receive it after they failed to fill out a DD-214 in ...
PORTOLA – Laura Allen says after months of trying to get her father's military service records from the Veterans Administration, she still didn't have them. The DD Form 214 is proof of military ...
Requirements: Copy of DD-214 or Certification of Military Service NA FORM 13038, or discharge papers that show you served in the U.S. Marine Corps. Requirements: Copy of DD-214 or Certification of ...
6700 BLK Ringgold Rd.- Domestic Disorder/Arrest The caller stated her child’s father had punched her in the chest and fled the scene. Police had spoken with the woman several times prior, ... more ...
Requirements: Copy of DD-214 or Certification of Military Service NA FORM 13038, discharge papers that show you served in the U.S. Army or your New York state driver's license displaying your ...
Requirements: Copy of DD-214 or Certification of Military Service NA FORM 13038, discharge papers that show you served in the U.S. Army or your New York state driver license displaying your ...
Requirements: Copy of DD-214 or Certification of Military Service NA FORM 13038, discharge papers that show you served in the U.S. Army or your New York state driver license displaying your ...