Sometimes, they can feel like their homes are being intruded on, and it's hard not to blame them — it's not like there's a ...
No two rescue dogs are the same. They have different stories, and even puppies who were born or raised in the same circumstances can be vastly different from each other. For one sweet little Pit Bull ...
A dog owner from Nashville, Tennessee, was warned by a local rescue against adopting a small pup because of her pit bull. But she adopted him anyway, and his relationship with his big brother has ...
Oscar Koon, 8, was severely injured in a mauling on March 2 while playing outside his North Linden home on the 3200 block of ...
A man living in Columbus faces multiple misdemeanor charges after a Sunday dog attack that left an 8-year-old boy with ...
Despite their bad reputation, pit bull breeds are loving companions to many families in the United States. In fact, these ...
The owner of two pit bulls that mauled a boy in the Linden neighborhood Sunday fought the Franklin County Dog Warden in court ...
A woman is suing Kansas City Pet Project after several pit bull dogs attacked and killed a man and severely injured the woman ...