He pulled a derringer single-shot pistol from his jacket ... king of England—with only “King Andrew” standing in his way. The months following Jackson’s attempted assassination played ...
Andrew Jackson's tombstone is etched with three simple ... is a particularly colorful president. He shot a man to death during a duel and ended up with a bullet permanently lodged in his own ...
Andrew, then thirteen years old, joined the local militia as a patriot courier. At fifteen years of age, Jackson and his other brother, Robert, were captured by the British in 1781. Jackson’s face was ...
In what is today known as the Trail of Tears, members of the Cherokee Nation were rounded up and transplanted westward by military force in 1838 under Jackson’s successor Martin Van Buren. Legacy In ...
Duel pistols were no match for the White House incumbent, who fended off the assailant with his cane on this date in 1835 Laura Kiniry Forces commanded by Andrew Jackson fought the British in the ...