You won't find many teenage girls with a passion for welding, but the trades have always been a way of life for 17-year-old Riley McKnight.
He even 3D modeled the whole thing in SolidWorks. Beyond the excellent laser cut enclosure (complete with ratcheting work piece clamping), [Matt’s] also added an Arduino to create a timing circuit.
Strunk began as a part-time employee in 2017 but has since gone full time and been promoted. He now oversees the welders ...
But the letter said the Navy and shipyard are investigating the welding work on 23 other vessels in various stages of ...
Young people seeking a line of work with a living wage and job opportunities across the country should consider welding, a field that professionals say is both a science and an art. Welders ...
This program establishes the minimum safe working procedures and guidelines for welding, cutting, brazing, grinding, soldering, and any other similar operation on Northwestern property. It also covers ...
As welding technology evolves, so does its nomenclature. AWS A3.0M/A3.0:2025 introduces new terms for additive manufacturing ...
There was a time when every gizmo on AliExpress also had a big white LED so it could also work as a flashlight ... [Aaron Christophel] has a battery spot welder that costs a not unreasonable ...