A WOMAN developed a severe case of the world’s most deadly infection after accidentally being given the wrong vaccine. The ...
People should understand that tuberculosis is not just a disease of the past,” Reider told me. “It is still affecting ...
Tuberculosis is the leading infectious cause of death around the world, outpaced only by COVID-19 during the first three ...
TB killed more than 1.2 million people in 2023, likely making it once again the deadliest infection on Earth, after it was ...
Actually getting treatment is key: The World Health Organization (WHO) says that for two-thirds of TB patients who don't get ...
Tuberculosis continued to rise again in the U.S. last year, reaching its highest levels in more than a dozen years.
In a new nonfiction book, the Y.A. novelist describes the disease as a window into “the folly and brilliance and cruelty and ...
The best-selling author “got a little emotional” while talking with The Times about the world’s deadliest infectious disease. Listen to the conversation.
Bestselling young adult author John Green's newest book is a nonfiction thesis on the deadliest infectious disease, which ...
Early detection and treatment of tuberculosis crucial to prevent spread, with emphasis on proper diagnosis, medication, and diet.
People who have had direct contact with a person with tuberculosis might be eligible for a free limited latent tuberculosis ...