Many know that the 1970s series was based on books by the real Laura Ingalls Wilder, who lived from February 7, 1867 – ...
Netflix is searching for its next Laura Ingalls Wilder for their upcoming reboot of Little House on the Prairie, which goes ...
The casting call describes the reboot as “part-hopeful family drama, part-epic survival tale, and part-origin story of the ...
Netflix is looking for a new Laura Ingalls, for a planned reboot of the “Little House on the Prairie” TV series. Last week, the official Little House on the Prairie page on Instagram posted that the ...
The reboot of the beloved series will be a one-hour drama based on Laura Ingalls Wilder's novel Georgia Slater is a staff editor on the Parents team at PEOPLE. She has been working at PEOPLE since ...
The casting call has gone out for what Netflix is describing as a “reimagining” of the series based on the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Rebecca Sonnenshine (The Boys, Vampire Diaries ...