Of the four arm bands found with the hoard, three of them are inscribed with Anglo-Saxon runes with Old English name elements, officials said. These runes likely correspond with the names of the ...
Previously, researchers had translated the runes in several armbands and found they contained shortened parts of what may be ...
The Galloway Hoard, discovered in 2014, has been the subject of mystery with theories suggesting it was likely buried by four prosperous owners based on arm rings inscribed with Anglo-Saxon runes.
Anglo-Saxons also used runes (marked stones) but little has survived. Much of our evidence comes from archaeology: burials, grave goods, treasure hoards and building remains. These combs are made ...
The ancient runes of an inscribed silver armband found in a buried Viking treasure hoard in Scotland are helping to reveal more about a place and time nearly lost to history. “The hoard has a ripple ...