Ganymede, Jupiter's largest moon and the solar system's largest, is bigger than Mercury and the dwarf planet Pluto, with a diameter of 5,268 kilometers.
Discovering small Saturnian moons could help in understanding more about Saturn and in future resource-mining. The ...
Earlier this week, Saturn gained a whopping 128 new official moons, as the International Astronomical Union recognised ...
Saturn now leads the solar system with 274 known moons. Scientists say many moons formed from past collisions.
Saturn is everyone’s favorite planet, it seems. Through a telescope those glorious rings make that world appear so three-dimensional that its ...
Saturn has more moons than any planet in our solar system ... The nearly 12-foot optical and infrared telescope is one of the largest in the world. Using the telescope, in one night, Ashton took about ...
Astronomers have discovered a panoply of new moons orbiting Saturn, bringing the ringed gas giant's total up to 274 moons—far ...
While some travel within gaps in Saturn's rings and clear a path through the debris, others orbit farther out. The ringed giant's moons also vary considerably in size. The largest, Titan ...
The wind on Saturn's largest moon is strong enough to blow around rocks of up to half a metre in diameter, which could put ...
Out past Neptune are countless small icy and rocky bodies called Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs), and many of these have moons ...
Saturn's iconic rings will appear to disappear in March 2025 due to a rare ring-plane crossing event, but astronomers assure ...