Saturn's rings tilt out of view every fourteen to seventeen Earth years. In 2032, they will be at their best again during ...
The rings of Saturn will temporarily “disappear” this weekend, though most stargazers will be unlikely to see it. The rings are not actually going away, but will be imperceptible ...
The discovery points to what astronomers have thought for decades, that Saturn's rings were caused by a massive collision ...
Two faraway worlds in the solar system are about to appear rather close to each other in the night sky on Monday. The first planet from the sun, Mercury, and Saturn, the second of the gas giants ...
Outside of the planetary alignments, it's possible to spot other planets individually. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are frequently seen in the night sky, according to NASA.
Remarkable views of Venus are available this month. The first two weeks of March provide a great opportunity to sight four bright naked-eye planets in the early evening sky. Low toward the west ...