And to honor him on this Martin Luther King Jr. day, we've decided to round up his most beloved and inspiring quotes on ...
To pay tribute to King's enduring legacy, find a collection of stirring Martin Luther King Jr. quotes below. In this ...
Eig discovered that Alex Haley fabricated quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. about Malcolm X in a Playboy interview. The ...
Such nostalgia can include favorable feelings for three Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices who, over the course of ...
Preaching a message of nonviolent resistance, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was the leading voice of the American civil rights movement. The protests he organized, the marches he led and the ...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. knew. King, whose birthday is a national holiday, came dozens of times to Florida. As early as February 1958, King made a rousing speech at Bethel AME Church in Miami to ...