Scar's original Lion King death was darker: falling off a cliff and burning alive, laughing maniacally in his fiery end. Disney changed the ending to Scar being killed by his own hyenas ...
Because lions and hyenas don't work together ... Narrator: Twenty-five years after roaring into theaters, "The Lion King" is back! This time, with a more realistic look. But is the remake really ...
In Africa, lion cub Simba is the pride and joy ... Now Scar becomes the king, supported by the evil hyenas, while Simba grows up in a distant land. Some time later, Nala meets Simba and tells ...
The original ‘Lion King’ had a racist hyenas problem. The new film fixes that, with mixed results. In the original animated Lion King, the hyenas were depicted as crass lowlifes that many ...
“Finally The Lion King came, right on time.” After 20 years as an ensemble singer and in roles including Shenzi the hyena, she still loves performing eight shows a week, with only three weeks ...