While you’ll need to personalize your leave of absence letter to reflect your exact circumstances for requesting time off, the sample letter templates below can help get you started and offer a ...
To facilitate this, the employee must contact Human Resources at least two weeks before a leave of absence expires to begin searching for positions. Application for a personal leave of absence. To ...
Undergraduate students are not required to apply for a leave of absence; however, an application is required to maintain access to campus benefits. Graduate students must apply for a leave of absence ...
The University of Nevada, Reno strongly encourages degree seeking students to be continuously enrolled. But if circumstances dictate a break in enrollment, the University's leave of absence program ...
FMLA is a leave of absence of ... following the return from leave of absence. Please follow the instructions below to access the online training session for "Family Medical Leave – What You Need to ...
Matriculated undergraduate students who need to interrupt their studies for medical reasons (e.g., surgery, pregnancy, illness, rehabilitation, and other health-related circumstances) can request a ...
Please visit SASS’s website to submit your Medical Leave of Absence application. This must be done before you make contact with CAPS. Please note students’ applications will only be processed during ...
Permissions and arrangements for any Leave of Absence (LOA), must be secured for any student who will require more than four years from matriculation to complete the course of study. A LOA may be ...
Application for an unpaid sick leave of absence. To apply for an unpaid sick leave of absence, the employee must complete the appropriate sections of a leave of absence application and attach a ...
International students who are interested in taking an academic or medical leave of absence from the University of Colorado Boulder should be aware of the F-1 regulatory restrictions and requirements.