One-third of the dead at Jonestown were children; only 33 people survived Jones was a self-appointed minister and phony faith ...
The place where they fell was Jonestown, a remote commune in north-western Guyana named after its founder, Jim Jones - the evil architect of this terrible tragedy. He promised them it would be ...
Read our review of The Washing Line at London's Chickenshed. Directed by Michael Bossisse and Bethany Hamlin, this is a ...
Roselyn Sewcharran, Wanderlust’s owner, said the idea for the Jonestown tour came out of questions that clients often asked about the site, where American cult leader Jim Jones forced his ...
The following is a thumbnail history of the Jonestown tragedy on Nov. 18, 1978: What happened? More than 900 Americans died in a South American jungle upon the orders of Rev. Jim Jones ...
recreating the scene that met those who discovered the Jonestown mass murder-suicide of 1978. More than 900 idealistic devotees of self-proclaimed “god” Reverend Jim Jones – including 300 ...