STEVE DEACE (HOST): No. No ... I think it's exactly because of what Jill said in the first segment after bleep Lord Nefarious says the forces of Hell are stepping up their game.
JILL SAVAGE (GUEST): Trump had that event in ... Has he been back for any other large rallies in the state of Iowa? STEVE DEACE (HOST): He's done events, but not large rallies.
They have many horrors in store with it. They just hate the fact that we exist. STEVE DEACE (HOST): Yes. ERZEN: They just do. STEVE DEACE (HOST): That right there. They'll go from trans-ing the ...
STEVE DEACE (HOST): The current makeup of the D.C. Court of Appeals is seven Democrats and four Republicans. Three of the Republicans were appointed by Trump, the other appointed by George H.W. Bush.