The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) has cleared a major hurdle in making a Generation IV nuclear reactor practical. Using a ...
A new generation of nuclear reactors, "Gen-IV," aims to improve safety while optimizing efficiency and cost. One Gen-IV reactor design at the vanguard of development is the sodium-cooled fast ...
Likewise, Hermes 2 is the first electricity-producing Generation IV reactor to be approved for construction by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The company has not said when construction will begin.
In addition to current fast reactors construction projects, several countries are engaged in intense research and development programmes for the development of innovative, or Generation IV, fast ...
US-based nuclear technology company TerraPower and engineering company KBR (formerly Kellogg Brown & Root) have formed a ...
With all this in mind, Gen IV is a set of new and forthcoming reactor designs that share one critically important characteristic: they are designed from the very beginning to fail toward safety.
nuclear reactors and the challenges of designing future Gen IV systems, the materials community is currently re-establishing its fascination with nuclear materials. Although worldwide research ...
“Our reactors, which rely on what is called functional ... to multiple locations where nuclear power plants using Gen IV reactors like KP-FHRs are assembled on site. But, he stated, Kairos ...
and Gen IV Reactors.” Nuclear energy, a proven, clean, and reliable energy source, is experiencing a resurgence of interest and enthusiasm commensurate with a global push towards decarbonization.