Eight Places You Need to Visit and Understand Chicago’s Black Freedom Struggle   Go to Montgomery, Alabama today and markers ...
Dr. Derek Barber King Sr., nephew of Martin Luther King Jr., was in Battle Creek Sunday. King Sr. delivered the morning message at Second Missionary Baptist Church Sunday morning, preceded by a ...
Keep Macon-Bibb Beautiful is presenting the documentary Made For A King to the community. Asha Ellen, executive director at ...
Martin Luther King III, the son of revered civil rights icons Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King, directly ...
Next door to Ebenezer Baptist Church stands the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change. It has even more exhibits, as well as the tombs of King and his wife, Coretta Scott King.
Narratives about the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s often highlight the influence of the Black church.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. knew. King, whose birthday is a national holiday, came dozens of times to Florida. As early as February 1958, King made a rousing speech at Bethel AME Church in Miami to ...
In honor of the legacy of the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., the Annual Memorial Program will be held at 6 p.m. April 3 at the King Monument Plaza, corner of South  Ashley Street and Martin Luther ...
On Feb. 27, second grade students in Mallory Courtney’s class at Slaughter Elementary School learned about the life and work ...
Montgomery, AL – Sixty years ago this month Dr. Martin Luther King led the march that changed history. The last leg of the march led by Dr. King ended at the Alabama State Capitol. At that time, there ...
Watch Rev. Dr. Harold Middlebrook, Civil Rights activist and friend of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., speak at Concord United Methodist Church on March 12, 2025.
Two years ago, a fire destroyed the historic Camden home where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. lived ... of an incident in 1950, when King and a few friends went to a local tavern, Mary’s Café, ...