Rural communities on the border between the African countries of Malawi and Zambia are threatening to sue an international ...
Greta Thunberg Greta Thunberg, a young Swedish climate activist, has become a global symbol of the youth movement against climate change. Her journey began with solitary school strikes outside the ...
But as South African filmmaker Rehad Desai ("Miners Shot Down") warns in his timely new documentary "Capturing Water," playing ... scratched the surface of a much larger threat, as climate change ...
Wealthy nations have fueled their industrial growth and urbanization by burning fossil fuels. This is the biggest cause of ...
Prince Harry’s announced his resignation this week from an African charity that he co-founded in memory of his mother ...
The data showed that some of these watering holes had experienced blooms of algae containing deadly toxins. An analysis of ...
Urban forests create employment, provide quality space for recreation and tourism and strengthen city neighbourhoods’ ...
Africa’s remaining tropical glaciers are rapidly disappearing as greenhouse gas emissions drive global warming. In the ...
In response, NDMA has taken a proactive step by launching a series of documentaries aimed at raising awareness about climate change, hazard profiles, and area-specific vulnerabilities. This ...
ISS Regional Office for West Africa and the Sahel Climate change does not directly lead to more terrorism in the Central Sahel. Rather, factors associated with climate change appear to be a catalyst ...
A new report by the non-profit organisation Action Aid calculates that wealthier countries owe Africa US$36 trillion in climate debt.