Bernard and Lenina are rescued by John the Savage (Alden Ehrenreich), who escapes with them back to New London. John’s arrival in the New World soon threatens to disrupt its utopian harmony, leaving ...
Brave New World – based on Aldous Huxley’s ... to be fascinated in that because that’s how we function.” Alden Ehrenreich, meanwhile, tells Variety: “George Orwell was a student of ...
Alden Ehrenreich chats with ET at the Los Angeles premiere of 'Cocaine Bear,' in theaters Feb. 24. 'Brave New World' stars Alden Ehrenreich, Jessica Brown Findlay and Harry Lloyd are spilling ...
Production is set to start in April on a new film that will feature two Star Warsfranchise veterans in starring roles. Per ...
Daisy Ridley & Alden Ehrenreich didn't share any screentime in their Star Wars movies, but they're going to share a lot more ...
The Switzerland cast has added Olivia Cooke and Alden Ehrenreich ... “As they begin to collaborate on a new "Ripley" plot, the world they live in and the one they are constructing become ...