For the first time, second graders are mandated to take the statewide reading assessment—allowing schools to catch literacy ...
Everyone takes math and ELA: All students in third through eighth ... to succeed on standardized tests. Consequences of not passing: Students who receive a grade of “not proficient” on one ...
The law also requires second graders to take the IREAD assessment. Schools must offer summer reading programs for second graders considered "at risk" on the assessment, as well as third graders who ...
Karen Wadena, a third-grader at Naytahwaush Community Charter School, decided to dream big, and asked Gov. Tim Walz to ...
Smarter Balanced tests students in 3rd to 8th grades and then 11th grade. It’s not given in 9th and 10th grades, creating a two-year gap. O’Donnell, a middle and high school teacher before his ...